Complete Guide to How to download your Summer Project Letter?
- A project letter is a written document for the students who have completed their project based on the enrolled training program.
- It includes the following fields:
- Name of Student
- College Name
- Course Name
- Training Partner
- Start & End Date
- Name of Project
- Video demonstration
- Project Report
How does a project letter look like?
- Here is the sample project letter attached below.
(Image of the sample project letter)
- Kindly note this will be the final format of the project letter. No changes will be entertained.
Who should submit the project letter?
- All the students don’t need to apply for the project letter.
- Only those students who want to show it to the college or those who are willing to complete the project should apply for it.
Kindly note:
All the students who have enrolled with us after completing their course will receive the course completion certificate.
How to apply for the project letter?
- Following are the requisites to apply for the project letter:
- Your last module in each course is the project submission Google form link
- Complete the Google form to get your Project Letter
- Project Letter will be mailed at your email id on 1st week of every month with your association certificate
In case of any query/doubt
For support-related queries, please send an email at No WhatsApp & call will be entertained.
Guideline to Create a Testimonial
Testimonial must include following things following points:
- Your Name
- Company’s Name
- How you get to know about the course?
- Some information and best part about the course.
- Why you will recommend it to someone?
NOTE: Try to create video with no surrounding noise.